
Talk Stack AI is a flexible platform for building and deploying Voice and Text  AI agents, offering customizable building blocks to fit your specific needs without having to write code. Set-up takes minutes following the steps below:

Getting Started

Dashboard -No Code:
Quickly create a proof of concept in just 5 minutes without writing code.
Get a Twilio phone number to set up an AI phone agent that can handle both inbound and outbound calls. Access powerful APIs or Trigger it from our dashboard for agent creation, updates, and making phone calls, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate voice AI into products.

Custom LLM :
Implement any custom LLM of your choice and integrate with your preferred telephony services like Vonage or SignalWire.Contact us for custom integrations.

Key Features

LLMs: Configure a language model-based response system for your voice + text agents.
Agent: Customize your conversational agent. Go to the Studio page and start building your AI agent ( we support SMS, Phone Calls, WhatsApp, Email and Telegram). For WhatsApp, Telegram and Email contact us : at for a custom setup.
Call APIs or upload leads via the dashboard: Make phone calls, SMS, WhatsApp, and Telegram to customers and retrieve the detail
Phone Number APIs: Buy phone numbers, bind them to agents, and retrieve details.
Advanced APIs: For more advanced use cases, such as using your own LLM or telecommunication services, explore the protocol definitions that serve as the backbone of the Talk Stack AI system.

1. Steps to Get Started
Setup your communication sequence ( SMS, phone calls, etc. ) from the Studio page. Watch this 3 min Get started tutorial

2. Configure your own AI Agent
Start configuring your own AI agent by entering your call script and instructions into the “Agent Prompt” section.

Configure the voice, interpretability, language, voice speed etc. 

Custom/Clone Voices : contact us at for this request. For security reasons, we will manually review each submission to ensure it is not being used for illegal, fraudulent, or harmful activities. Once approved, your voice will be available in your account. This takes 5 minutes for us to set up for you once approved. 

Dynamic Variables: You can enter dynamic variables by inserting {{ }}, e.g. {{firstname}}.

Post-Call Analysis
Post-call analysis enables you to review and analyze calls once they are completed so that you can easily filter out the calls which need follow-up action and you can structure the call transcript into a structured data format. 

We offer multiple predefined analysis categories, and you also have the option to create custom ones.
We provide four types of analysis categories:

Text, Selector, Boolean, Number

Set-Up Post Call Analysis from the Configure Agent Page

3. Try our Voice and Text AI via the Dashboard:
Evaluate our voice and text interaction capabilities from the Calls and SMS page. You can test our Voice agent after entering the call script/prompt by clicking on the Test Agent button.

4. Make a Call with the Configured Agent:
Use Talk Stack AI Phone number  if you don’t need your own number or telecommunication setup.
If you have a dynamic variable in your call script/prompt, download the Sample Excel and fill it up accordingly. All the dynamic variables in the Agent Prompt will be automatically populated into this template for your convenience.

When you are ready, upload this excel sheet > Batch Upload.
Hit the Trigger call button after reviewing all variables. It is a good practice to always trigger some test calls before scaling it to all your leads.

Note: Contact us if you need to trigger calls via API. For custom setups, contact us at

5. View Call transcript and recordings
You can access all calls and sms log from the dashboard including call recordings.Note: If you have selected the option to not store the recordings due to privacy, the recordings will not be displayed on the dashboard.

6. Analyse call and text performance

Limitations and concurrency
Concurrency: As part of our service, Pay-As-You-Go users are allocated a quota of 10 concurrent calls. Should your operational needs require additional concurrency, please reach out to our team at to discuss options for scaling up.

Maximum Prompt Token Length: By default, the our platform supports a maximum prompt length of 7500 tokens. If a prompt exceeds this limit, it will be rejected during the creation or update of the LLM. If your use case requires a longer context,  contact our team at to explore possible solutions.
WhatsApp AI Agent: Due to Meta’s requirement, contact our team to find out more.